

  We must choose a guaranteed manufacturer when we buy a two-component glue punch. So what kind of manufacturer is guaranteed?
  We judge the strength of a manufacturer mainly from several aspects.
  1. The sales volume of the production enterprise, usually the enterprise with high sales volume is often the equipment, equipment that is recognized by the society. If the equipment often has various problems or after-sales problems, then the reputation of the enterprise must not be good, then his sales will be affected and there will be no such high sales.
  2. Enterprise's R&D innovation strength, it is best that we can buy the original R&D unit's equipment, because the original R&D enterprise will have a deep understanding of the operation, parameters, structure, parts and components of the equipment, which will be of great benefit to the subsequent upgrading and maintenance of the equipment. Never buy in some enterprises that produce Shanzhai products, because it is difficult to guarantee the quality of equipment and after-sales. Then some friends will ask, how do we judge whether the company is a R&D founder? The judgment basis of the enterprise is also very simple. Let's see if the enterprise has some patents on the two-component gluer. If there are patents, even if not the founder, it can safely purchase them. If there are patents, it can apply for a patent to show that the enterprise has made a thorough study of the equipment and has a thorough understanding of it. When you have any problems in the future use, the enterprise can treat you. Help.
  3. The time when the enterprise was founded is not a necessary condition, but the time when the enterprise was founded is very short, but the quality and price are very good, but after all, it is a few! We try our best to buy in enterprises with long establishment time, stable operation and regular team. Xiaobian can say that the length of the establishment of the enterprise is inversely proportional to our chances of being deceived. In other words, the longer the establishment of the enterprise, the more likely we will buy high-quality equipment. If an enterprise's equipment has quality problems, the enterprise can not survive for a long time, and the market is not a fool, the market economy will be a heavy blow to the enterprises with poor products and low reputation.
  II. Colloid Treatment
  We all know that the two-component glue dispenser needs to be used in conjunction with the two-component glue, so we must understand how the equipment we want to buy is used for glue supply and how the residual glue equipment is handled after we stop using it. The treatment of colloids can affect the quality of hollow glass in our production, while the treatment of residual colloids can affect our next use of two-component gluer. We all know that the characteristic of two-component glue is that the colloid after mixing will solidify slowly after a period of time. If the equipment does not consider the treatment of residual colloid, then the equipment is not a perfect equipment, because the pipeline of glue supply is very easy to block and the equipment can not work properly. Once the pipeline is blocked, we only have to change the pipeline, which is invisible. The most important reason for increasing our operating cost is that the characteristic pipeline of the two-component glue is easily blocked. Therefore, when purchasing a two-component glue maker, you must pay attention to the glue supply of the equipment and the cleaning part of the colloid. If necessary, please the manufacturer to demonstrate the cleaning part.
  Today, Xiaobian will introduce so much for the time being. I also want to think about where to write and what to pay attention to in the future. Xiaobian will send another article to remind you of the matters needing attention when purchasing a two-component glue machine. I hope that Xiaobian's article can help you. Welcome friends to Tucao this article, Xiaobian will learn and correct it. If you don't know what you don't understand, you can leave a message. Xiaobian will reply when he sees it.


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