

1. As the curing of two-component sealant takes a certain time, the glass coated with two-component sealant should be moved horizontally and gently.
2. The glue of group A and group B should be kept clean to prevent foreign matters from entering the glue.
3.在连续工作过程中,胶枪每次停止工作时间一般不得超过20分钟,否则 中空双组份打胶机,应用a组份胶冲出全部混合胶,直单一的a组份胶从枪口排出为止。
3. In the process of continuous operation, the stopping time of the glue gun should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise, the hollow two-component glue machine should use component a glue to punch out all the mixed glue until the single component a glue is discharged from the muzzle of the gun.
4. High pressure hose shall not be squeezed or bent to prevent affecting the normal operation of the system.
5. The mixer should always be kept smooth to achieve good dispensing effect. In case of blockage, it can be cleaned after soaking. It is recommended to clean every 5 groups.
6. When the glue gun is not used for a long time (more than one week), the gun body should be removed and the residual colloid in the glue gun and mixer should be cleaned with solvent.
7.不同双组份胶生产厂家所生产的胶内含杂质数量不同,根据实际情况清晰b组分的过滤网及单向止回阀 双组份打胶机胶枪,建议每两组清洗一次。
7. The amount of impurities in the glue produced by different two-component glue manufacturers is different. According to the actual situation, it is recommended to clean the filter screen of component B and the glue gun of one-way check valve two-component glue machine every two groups.
8.任何因胶体固化所造成的胶枪、管路或整机的故障 双组份打胶机配件,一律不在保修范围之内。
8. Any failure of glue gun, pipeline or the whole machine caused by colloid curing is not included in the warranty.
9. Oil the oil inlet of each pump regularly, and keep the oil in the oil mist.


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